Oliver & Rosa Zuñiga

Project Name: Equipping Leaders
Project # 142


When we were 15 days newly married and after graduating from Calvary Chapel Bible College in Ensenada, México, my wife and I received God's call to go out to La Paz, BC, Mexico to plant a cross-cultural Bible institute called "La Huerta" where I was the academic director. Also, I served as assistant pastor in a church called Calvary Chapel La Paz. Having planted the Bible institute and 2 years and 6 months of service in the church, we were called to a new faith adventure.

In 2019, we moved to Rosarito, BC, México and start serving at Calvary Chapel Rosarito and taking a church-planting class.

A few months after arriving in Rosarito, God called us to serve in an orphanage call Grace Children Home where I served as pastor and director for 10 months, and my wife, Rosa, served as a school tutor for the children.

Our service time at Grace Children Home ended recently, and at this time we are serving as full-time volunteers at Calvary Chapel Rosarito Church where I teach new-believers classes and online teachings, in addition to being an interpreter for the senior pastor and operative assistant in the social-networking area.

My family and I give thanks to God for your prayers and support, so that we can continue to extend the kingdom of Christ on Earth and prepare future leaders for the glory and honor of our God.

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Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Missionary Gospel Fellowship (MGF) has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. MGF will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.

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