Paul & Cyndi Peck
Project Name: MT Church Planting
Project # 22
Paul and Cyndi Peck have been serving in rural Montana since 1984. Paul is the pastor of Prairie Bible Church, and Cyndi has an adoption ministry. Most extremely rural churches have a difficult time surviving because it is almost impossible for them to hire a pastor because living in cold, rural Montana is not something that many pastors are willing to do. Over the past 35 years, Paul and Cyndi have integrated into the community. Paul serves as a jail chaplain and was an EMT for a number of years. When an adopted child is not working out in a home, Cyndi's "Second Chance" program helps find a new family for the child. Paul and Cyndi are grateful for Missionary Gospel Fellowship and their leadership over the many years.
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Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Missionary Gospel Fellowship (MGF) has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. MGF will attempt to honor gifts preference to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.
Peck Medical Fund
Paul has been diagnosed with cancer on the back edge of his tongue. It has spread to 3 lymph nodes in his neck. He and Cyndi are in Seattle, WA, for surgery and treatment.
Since Paul and Cyndi are staying in Seattle, they are incurring a lot of expenses because they are not able to live at home during treatment which could be several months. They are staying with friends south of Seattle between surgery and treatment but will rent an apartment in Seattle to be near the hospital for a few months of treatment. If you want to help them with housing expenses, any donation would be appreciated. Please also pray for them.
Please follow their journey at
Their daughter, Mercy, updates that website quite often.