Inpam & Karminie Moses

Project Name: Oikos Missions - Trilingual Ministry
Project # 110

2020-06-17 Inpam & Karminie Moses.jpeg

"For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ I have begotten you through the Gospel”
- 1 Corinthians 4:15

"OIKOS" is about "building" families. This is our heart. We believe God has called us to be "spiritual parents" to pastors, Christian workers, and their families, as well as those who are seeking God through their brokenness and experiences in life. We travel near and far, whether it is to a neighbour's house, to the next city or province in Canada, to the USA, or as far away as Sri Lanka, to make a difference in the lives of people, and help them draw closer to the Lord in order to live the life He died to give them. This, we do through God's Word, prayer, encouragement, and counseling. OIKOS MISSIONS, is cross cultural in nature. We minister in three languages, English, Sinhala, and Tamil wherever the Lord takes us.

Besides travelling within Canada, USA, and Sri Lanka, our "missionary work" also includes visiting families, and seniors, to minister in word and song in homes, churches, and camps. We also minister through social media. We also make use of the opportunities to counsel, minister and pray by phone with people in North America and in other places around the world. Please keep us in prayer as we serve the Lord through His people in Canada and all over the world in these "end times."

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Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Missionary Gospel Fellowship (MGF) has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. MGF will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.

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