Bonnie Johnson

Project Name: South Sound Outreach
Project # 67

2020-05-06 Ron & Bonnie Johnson.jpg

For almost 20 yrs we have been ministering at Joint Base Lewis McCord (JBLM) which is an U.S. Army and Air Force installation involving 80,000 soldiers and airmen and families near Olympia, WA.  Bonnie has been involved in a ministry called PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) since we started attending a chapel in 2000. Over 200 military wives and some retired military women meet one morning a week for two hours for a time of fellowship, small groups, and prayer time. Leading small groups, counseling, babysitting, helping at retreats, and in whatever way the Lord leads her, Bonnie has led women to accept Jesus as their savior, listen to hurting wives pour out their hearts, and other fellowship on and off base has resulted in intimate ties with many women.

We attend the Main Post Chapel on Fort Lewis where Ron is on the Parish Council which plans the yearly schedule of the chapel and makes decisions as to where the funds go. He is also the Council Chair for Christian Education of the chapel. Ron also is teaching an adult Sunday school class for almost 15 years.

One of the blessings of our ministry is having the privilege of become good friends with soldiers and chaplains and their families. We find ourselves watching kids while parents have medical issues or just want to get away for an evening, going to music recitals, birthday parties, showers, and sadly those good-bye dinners where we ache to see good friends leave. A great blessing is helping believers to grow in the word. Serving at AWANA, Good News Clubs, Men’s breakfast etc. are other ministries we have been used of the Lord to reach kids and adults.  Sincerely, Ron and Bonnie Johnson

PS: Right now, due to the COVID-19, we are getting used to seeing these ministries on-line. 

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Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Missionary Gospel Fellowship (MGF) has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. MGF will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.

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