Daniel Fox
Project Name: Turlock Discipleship
Project # 150
Over the last 3 years, I’ve been on a mission to make disciples who make disciples.
I take small groups of teenagers (about 2-3 students in each group) from the Turlock area, and walk through discipleship ‘courses’, teaching them lessons that are geared toward truly following Christ. These are taught while also modeling accountability and Bible reading, with the intent being that those who are discipled then go on to make disciples of their own. Some do this very soon after being taught themselves. For others, that may be further down the road. But in all, everything is approached as an opportunity to share and remind students of the Gospel.
Right from the get go, I teach that the goal of being a disciple is to be a representation of Christ in our world. The way I communicate that is by presenting the Profile of a Disciple. In this, a disciple will inevitably grow in 4 areas:
1. Passion For God (Psalm 73:25-26)
2. Compassion For the Lost (John 4:1-30)
3. Love for Each Other (John 13:34-35)
4. Holy Mischief (Mark 2:4; Acts 4:19-21)
Discipleship is messy - it is not a "microwave", but a "slow cooker." It is not just the lessons that do the teaching, but the Spirit. In every group, there are successes and failures; wins and losses. But in all, I place the foundation of Turlock Discipleship on: the Gospel, solid theology, relationships, and a whole lot of pizza.
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