Abel & Janet Ojo

Project Name: International Community Outreach
Project # 170

We have a passion for working with the international community as missionaries. God has placed on our hearts to reach out to the international communities with the love and grace of God. God gave us the vision to be an inspirer and share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with the international community in Louisville City. We will serve as a Pastor between the Haitian Bethel Baptist Church congregation and the local international community. This will be accomplished by building personal relationships, visitation, showing the love of God to them, and helping the newcomer to adjust to the culture. We believe that building a good relationship with the international society will bring them to the knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

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Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Missionary Gospel Fellowship (MGF) has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. MGF will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.